I decided that Nathan was going to have fun today. I called his Nurse Practitioner and Sam letting them know I wanted to take him to a park. All of us were in agreement as long as the park wasn't too crowded.
It was a beautiful day here in Cleveland. It was only 49 degrees but extremely sunny. I told Nathan before we left the house that we were going outside to a park, "Outside?" he said with a HUGE grin, "Yes outside." He then started smiling and hopping around and took all of his medicine like a champ! Then off we went.
We went to Preston's Hope, a pretty big park here in Cleveland and thankfully there wasn't more than 5 families when we arrived, enough to feel safe but not too many to have to worry about being to close. Nathan took off jogging and grinning ear to ear. I saw a little bit of my son that I remembered before the cancer. I was so excited to see him smiling and happy! He just walked around touching everything looking around like "Am I really here?" He then ran and gave me the biggest hug for some reason but it filled me with so much joy.
At one time about 5 kids and him were in one area playing and Nathan was SO happy to be around children but it was very short lived because I noticed quickly one kept sniffing, so off we went to be alone again. All in all he had a wonderful day, crying only when I said it was time to go home.
Dear Lord,
Thank you so much for days like today. Thank you for the joy Nathan showed at the park today. Lord thank you so much for this little guy. Thank you for his smiles. They're very far and few in between now a days but today he grinned ear to ear. Finally Lord something fun, away from the hospital. Lord thank you so much for allowing us to sneak in a day like today. Lord please remove this cancer from him. Lord take it away completely, please, if you never hear another request from me please hear and answer this one.
In Jesus Name
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