Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Powerful Men

A lot of you have asked how Sam is handling this with Nathan and right now he's at peace. He said he totally put it God's hands and he's at peace with that. It really hurt him of course. Nathan is our first born and honestly when we found out he was a boy I don't think I ever saw a bigger smile on that man's face. They mow the lawn together, shovel the snow together, work on projects together. I remember before Nathan was born Sam said "I'm gonna take him everywhere" and he does. He went to get the oil changed when Nathan was about 6 months and said that while the oil was being changed Nathan went to the restroom so he pulled him out of his seat and changed him right there in his lap during the oil change, something the mechanics said they never saw before. One of the best pictures we have was when Nathan was born and Sam was leaning over him, it's one of my best memories. And today this post is going to take a little different approach because I want to talk about Sam.

I don't know why but today when we were leaving the hospital I was walking behind two men. The were probably 60+ years old, very well dressed (nice jewelry etc.), both were pulling laptops. Something about them gave me the sense that they probably held powerful positions. I don't know why that thought came to me but for some reason it did immediately and it made me think, wow I have a powerful man in my life. My husband exudes powerful and I just wanted to share what powerful means to me and how it relates to him.

Provider: Sam has been an AMAZING provider. I truly believe that it's the man's responsibility to take care of a woman as good as or better than her father did (taking in account if the woman has a father or father figure in her life). I know I'm old fashioned in that way and I'm not against women holding high positions (please don't twist what I'm saying), but no matter how high our positions are I believe it's the man's job to provide for his family. I must say Sam is so wonderful at that. I literally don't worry about finances or meals etc. If there's a need in our house that needs to be met and he says he's going to handle it, I believe him, end of discussion.

After the shock of getting Nathan's diagnosis we of course starting looking at how much this is going to cost us. I remember when Sam checked online with our insurance company to see how much the bills were so far that the hospital had started submitting. He came and told me $100,000 and 20% would be our responsibility...mind you this was for one procedure. Of course I was very rattled but I remember us hugging in the kitchen and Sam said in his calm even matter, "don't worry about it." And to be honest with you I didn't after that.

You see I can add to this "P" in powerful, because not only is Sam a great Provider but he's also a
man who Prays. When he said that he'd handle it I got comfort mainly because I know Sam is going to consult Christ for guidance. A few days later Sam came informed me that our deductible is $3700 per year, meaning that every year we're only responsible for up to $3700 per person in our household. Once the bills exceed $3700 then the insurance kicks in and covers 100%!!!!!

So did I mention too that P can also stand for
Praise???? Because that's what me and Sam did after we heard that news!!!!!!!!

Observant: I keep getting compliments telling me how a mother knows her child and I appreciate that, it's a true statement, no denying that, but at times I get kind of upset at the lack of recognition our fathers get, especially fathers like Sam who are so involved in their children's lives. For those of you who don't know, Sam discovered Nathan's lump first. And it was Sam who made the initial appointment. Also it was Sam's observance of Nathan's eye not moving correctly that got us to this diagnosis. I've told people this and I'm going to repeat it. The third time Nathan was taken to the hospital, I truly believe that if Sam hadn't told the doctor to get in front of Nathan and make him follow him with his gaze I think we still would've been delayed in getting to the hospital. It was that action, taken by Sam that got this ball rolling. He's just as involved in our children's lives and I'm so thankful for him being so aware of what's going on.

Wise: Ok trying not to brag, but Sam is very wise to me. I'm not putting him on Solomon's level (though I bet they'd have a ton to talk about :-). I always like watch and listen to him handle business, such as paying bills or talking to the doctors and nurses. I know that sounds silly but he's very intelligent to me and the questions he ask are sometimes some I hadn't thought of. And he's very polite, never rude or nasty towards people but he still speaks with a certain authority that I just love (pretty sexy I might add).

Exceptional: Sam is one of those naturally intelligent people. You know one of those kind who just "gets it." While the rest of us has to study hard or never really figure out the method to studying at all he just gets it the first time or has such good study habits that it clicks faster than it does the rest of us. But I'll be honest having an exceptional person for a spouse can be kind of annoying at times lol he can explain the most difficult concept like it's very easy which tend to drive me nuts. But I must say this trait came in very handy in college. We both majored in Computer Information Systems and Sam was really good, getting A's in most of our computer classes and most classes called for us working in groups or with a partner. Sam was a sought out person in these classes cause he was known for catching on quick. I ALWAYS had him as a partner though because he was my boyfriend at the time!!!!

Rare: Sadly in this day and age a black man like him is extremely rare. A man who is faithful, who comes home after work and doesn't party on the weekends with his boys, a man who knows how to fix things (cars etc.). A man who has a good job, bringing stability into our home. A man who spends time with his children because he wants to. Oh and he can cook!!!!!

When I see so many horror stories about black men on TV I get angry. I know statistics don't lie but goodness there are some really good black men in this world who don't get enough credit. But looking at statistics I know he's rare but he's so wonderful.

Faithful: Sam and I have been married since 2002 and before that started dating in 1999 and throughout all of these years I've never once had to question his fidelity or wonder about it. Sam and I believe in praying for strength for each other in the area of faithfulness.

Besides being faithful in that area he's faithful in keeping his commitments. Since Nathan started his treatments we've told the nurses we'll do our part, such as keeping appointments and having Nathan's medicines etc. We're committed 100%.

Unique: I can't think of many people I can compare Sam to, he's definitely in a class of his own. One thing I like about our son Nathan is that I see a lot of Sam's traits in him. Nathan pays attention to detail and he's quiet as well. I like watching the two of them working side by side. I've never met a child quite like mine, I can't compare his personality to anyone at all other than his father. Nathan has a way about him that is a lot of fun, I'm happy when the doctors and nurses see it and I can proudly say "he's just like his father."

Loving: This brings me to the last letter in Powerful and it stands for "loving." Sam loves the Lord, he loves me and he loves our children. I was talking to a friend of mine recently and told her that Saturdays are my day to sleep in and this particular Saturday both children woke up at 7:30 am and Sam usually takes them in the basement so that I can sleep but that day decided to pack them up and ride to our nearest Hardees (which is about 45 minutes away). He just put them in the car in their PJ's and off they went. This is normal in my house and maybe I take it for granted because her reaction was "how many men would do that?" Sam does this kind of thing all the time. He truly loves spending time with Nathan and Peyton and I enjoy our time together.


  1. Hello my name is Lenice Bozeman,one of your Providence member.This story that you wrote about your husband is awsome.10 years ago i was diagnose with breast cancer about two month before i had plan to get married. I told my soon to be husband that if he did not want to go thru with it i would understand. I did not know the out come of having breast cancer.His answer to me was Quote"I would not have it any other way" and you know what he was there thru it all.I know that it is had being a man, husband,and a father these day but when there are those who do right we need to let it be known.I don't know you personally prayfully we will meet face to face.My prayer are with little Nathan because I am a living testimony of what the power of prayer can do. Well didn't mean to ramble on so long but i feel a closeness to you guys. And beside little NATHAN is my big Hero
    Lenice Bozeman

  2. Thank you so much for sharing that with me!!!!!!! Your husband sounds amazing and I LOVE hearing about good men out there! And thank you too for sharing your cancer story with me! God is good isn't He? And I'm reminded of it so much and you just reminded me of what He can do by sharing that. I can't wait to meet you!!!


  3. I'm so glad my little brother is being loved and appreciated so completely by his wife! It does me heart well. Thanks for that.

  4. Thanks sis, yeah I think I'll keep him around a little longer :-)
