Dear Lord
Another week is starting Lord and I have no clue what it's going to bring, I just pray for your protection. Lord forgive me for not calling on you last week. For being anxious and doubting you. Forgive me for not wanting to talk to you. Forgive me for my horrible mood swings and for being impatient. Lord please put a hedge around my family, protect Sam Lord, protect him as he's getting in the car, protect him as he's driving to and from work and protect him while in the office, Lord help him to to have a safe day in the office and guard his heart. Give him peace as he's going through having to balance work, family and Nathan's illness. Continue to hold him up Father.
Lord I pray that you protect Nathan tomorrow, I pray for the medical team that will be working on him, I pray that they've all gotten the proper rest. I pray for the dose of medicine that will be given to put him to sleep, I pray that you wake him back up safely. I pray over this tumor Lord, please remove it and block it or anything of it's kind from ever coming back. I pray comfort for Nathan Lord, I know it's rough on him but Lord comfort him, hold his hand when I'm not there to do it Lord. I pray that you ease the physical pain that he's in. Lord he has nine more days of radiation left, get him through it please. I pray for safe travel to and from the hospital. Please Lord protect us from anything that will stop us from getting there on time. We get in the garage so early there's hardly anyone there, please get us in the building safely.
I pray over Peyton Lord. I pray that you protect her this week. Lord cover my parents house, protect it from anyone wanting to break in, protect it from fires, carbon dioxide, Lord cover her. I pray that you keep her at peace. Put a shield around my parents vehicle, watch over them as they go into stores and restuarants. Lord please allow her to come home safely on Thursday. I pray from her development. I pray that she continues to learn new words. Lord I love her personality so much.
Lord I also pray for strength. Lord allow me to stay focused. Lord remind me constantly of who you are. Hold my hand this week Lord. I pray for peace, I ask for wisdom and guidance. Please give me understanding when talking to Nathan's team of doctor's this week, I pray that you bring the right questions to mind.
Lord I thank you. I thank you so much for carrying us this far. Thank you so much for remaining constant, for loving us even though we don't deserve it. I thank you for keeping our family together even in the midst of a difficult time. I thank you again for our medical team that seems to grow every week. I thank you that we're here in Cleveland, so close to UH and the Cleveland Clinic. I thank you that so far Nathan is responding to treatment. Lord I thank you for our friends and family Lord, thank you for our support circle.
And Lord last of all I pray for Holly, Benjamin, Zach, and Austin. Just four families I met who are in the same boat dealing with childhood cancer. Lord my hearts go out to them. I know their hurt. I know how deep it goes. I know what they're feeling. Lord child hood cancer stinks, it really does. Lord put a hedge around these families. If you wanted to you could heal them all instantly Lord. Please father show up. I thank you that Benjamin and Zach are now cancer free. Lord please let it stay that way. Allow these children to grow old. I know you're here, I know you still hear us. Lord show up for us and families like us. You are Alpha and Omega, the great I AM. Lord hear us please and show up. Rescue all of our children from this horrible disease. Until then we will trust you. We will wait, we will serve you and we will trust you.
In Jesus Name
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