First when Nathan was first hospitalized and we were still dealing with the shock factor a really sweet young nurse came into our room and asked if there was anything she could do and she was asked if she could get a prayer through (not by me or Sam mind you). She then squeaked out "do you want me to pray for you?" So she did and the prayer went something like this:
"God? (Seriously she said it with a question mark) Please help this family and Nathan.."
That was it. No amen or anything and we were all holding hands and at the end she just kind of gave them a little shake signifying she was done. I'm still wondering who she prayed to, she's become one of our favorite nurses and before this is all over I'm going to have to ask her lol.
Now I just bought some new shoes around Christmas time. They're pretty cute if I do say so myself. Since having children I've gone from wearing heels all the time to flat comfortable shoes but I decided around Christmas time that I'm gonna get my groove back and decided to purchase some heels. Then Nathan gets sick and I'm wearing these heels all the time, I have more comfortable shoes but the heels are cute. I have to do a ton of walking now and for some reason I always catch a "dry spot" when walking. It happens almost everyday. And I don't know what's more stank, actually falling or almost falling and having to do that little jog to catch myself. I haven't went down to the ground yet but I know it's coming. It only happens at the hospital, I can wear those shoes anywhere else but at the hospital it just keeps happening. I'm so glad Nathan is too young to realize he should be embarrassed.
And I just gotta talk about the people I've come in contact with. From the janitors to the secretaries, all the way up to the doctors the people are soooo nice. Now the cafeteria workers and the people in the parking garage are a different story. I don't want to say that they're all mean because there are a few nice ones that I speak to every morning. But as a whole they're pretty rude. I have to call down to order food for Nathan when he stays in the hospital and I've been cursed with a voice that sound like a child's on the phone. My voice comes in handy when telemarketers would call and ask for my parents. I would just say they're not here. I mean I'm not lying right? They didn't ask if my parents lived there, they just asked to speak to them. But when I'm trying to conduct business of any sort then my voice is a curse. And calling down to order food especially since Nathan is in Rainbow Babies Hospital is hard because I always have to explain that I'm the mom calling to order and not the kid calling because they don't want three year olds calling down there. It's truly a pain and I've gotten told off a few times and you can tell after awhile they don't believe me but take my order anyway. And I can't get smart back. I wish I could say it was my Christianity holding me back from telling them off but truthfully I don't believe in arguing with people fixing my food. I just think that's pure stupidity. And even when it comes to Nathan's room we pray really hard. Plus I've seen the people in the cafeteria and sized them up and I'm not sure if I could take them in a fight so I just keep my mouth shut (I've witnessed them tell off doctors too so no one is exempt).
I think I told you before that Nathan takes a ton of medications and most are really hard to pronounce. But anyway whenever we meet with a new department we have to tell all of the medicines that Nathan is taking and one day Sam was off work and there with us and he answered the medication question. Now let me back up, pronouncing these medications is like listening to someone get up in front of church and try to pronounce some of the words in scripture. Seriously am I the only one in the congregation that gets tickled with someone is asked to read a verse and for whatever reason stumbles over pronunciation. I don't know why but I've always found that kind of humorous, if I was asked to read scripture in church, I honestly would pick a verse with words I could pronounce, because combine nervousness with hard words...just doesn't make for a good presentation and I don't want the people trying so hard to hold in their laughter that they miss my verse. So to avoid stumbling over my words I've typed up a sheet of medications to just hand people to look at themselves. But Sam decided to raddle them off before I could stop him but I was blown away by him. He pronounced them like a pro. I'd never heard him say the names at home and I was secretly nervous for him when he started in on the list but when he finished I thought it was kinda sexy that he knew all that. For some reason it was humorous at that moment.
Then you know I've had days of intense frustration with this cancer thing and I remember driving one day and someone cut me off. Now I was in the car alone and I purposely don't have anything spiritual on my car, no bumper stickers with "Jesus love me" or anything like that and this person really angered me and I really considered hitting the horn or doing some sort of unChristiany jester but then it dawned on me that I don't know what kind of cars a lot of people from church that person was saved by that. I'd hate to be laying on the horn and pull up next to my Pastor and his wife, wow I don't know what I'd say. (lol although I know what kind of car they drive).
On one more thing I have to share. Nathan has to get a shot in his leg for 8 days every month and it's administered at home by me and Sam. We have syringes and we draw the medicine out of vials and inject it in his leg. Anyway we had to go to training for this one day. A volunteer came to the room to be with Nathan and Sam and I went down to the class. It was just the two of us and a nurse with a great sense of humor who taught us. She let us practice on this little thing that was supposed to be like skin, we had to learn to clean it properly and hold it correctly to inject the shot. Then when we were done and about to leave she said there's one more part to the training. She wanted us to fill the needles with salt water and take a turn injecting each other so we could A, practice on a human, and B see what the needle feels like so we'll know what Nathan feels. I don't know why this struck Sam and I as the coolest thing, we were probably overly excited to do this! There's no domestic violence in our home so I can't think of any other time I get to stick him with a needle. Thankfully we hadn't had an argument before that training!
There's a ton more humor where that came from that I'll share later! God Bless :-)