Nathan had to go to the ER on Saturday because of a fever. He'd been nursing this fever since Friday and though it was mild it wasn't going down so he had to go in and be given antibiotics. Friday morning he started out playing and happy but around 6:30 pm Sam and I noticed he was starting to lay around so we went and picked him up and took his temp. We called his doctor and since it was a low grade fever (99.5) they said to just keep an eye on it. So he slept well and in the morning he was still laying around and we took his temp again and it was up to 99.9 so we called and were told to bring him in and so we did.
Thankfully he got to come home that evening and Sunday he kind of relaxed around the house and his fever was back down. Monday he woke up in a great mood. It rained all day so we stayed in and played. It was Nathan, me and Peyton and we didn't watch TV we just played and had a great time. He'd slept very well the night before. I let him and Peyton get a three hour nap and before bed I realized that he hadn't cried or fussed once. The same thing today and this was despite the fact he has huge painful looking mouth sores!!!! Still no complaints from him. He took his medicine and went on about his little business! Such a trooper! I'll update more as things are constantly changing!
Dear Lord,
Thank you that Nathan's fever didn't get too high and that the antibiotics were able to quickly get it back under control with no side effects. Thank you for his good days when he's able to enjoy just being a three year old. And thank you so much for Peyton who remains so constant despite everything going on around her. She really knows how to keep Nathan on his toes unlike me and Sam and I know Nathan enjoys her little company :-)
In Jesus Name
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