You know I've shown my hurt, anger, and all that stuff on here but have I told you about the many blessings we've received this year? Maybe with Thanksgiving coming I should stop and do that.
Me and the hubby were up to 2am the other night talking about a ton of stuff and he made a statement that might sound odd to you. He said he's thankful for every rough thing that's happened to us this year. How can anyone be thankful for this????
Is he saying he's glad Nathan got cancer? Of course not. But alot of things of happened this year. There's been cancer, apraxia, busyness, A LOT of extra expenses...I could go on but you get the picture. The year has truly been filled with trials, but one thing we can both agree on is that it's brought a ton of blessings that I'll list and talk about.
I think one of the most valuable lessons has been learning what's important and what really matters. And believe it or not it's not always the cliche answer you might expect. "As long as everyone's healthy then it's all good."
That matters as well but truthfully we're not going to live forever. Our loved ones are going to get sick and die or be taken from us instantly, so something else has to matter more to you than just that statement.
What matters most is Christ. He's our strength. He's our ever present help.
This year has literally driven us to our knees in a huge way. And God has always risen to the occasion. When I needed comfort which has been the most important thing to me this year I got that. When strength was needed it was provided. It's been an invaluable lesson.
I'm not going to talk about what Sam discovered about himself through all of this but it's something he learned in this situation that's his to share however he chooses (and it's terrific btw).
But I've learned that being a homemaker is truly my calling. It's not popular. It's counter cultural. It sounds...well weird. It's heavily frowned upon. And it's absolutely wonderful, it's exactly what God called me to do.
Sometimes when I write I am really down because of the cancer and it is so hard to watch when Nathan is really sick. But at the same time I have to remind myself that Nathan and Peyton are going to go through a lot growing up and though it isn't going to be easy for them I don't want them to feel like a burden to me.
It's been a joy to be able to hold Nathan when he's sick. It's been my pleasure to learn about Apraxia and to take him to speech therapy and to work with him one on one at home. It's HARD work, but it's valuable. To see him and Peyton learning everyday has been wonderful.
And this isn't to start the argument over whether women should work outside the home etc. I really don't care, everyone's calling in life is different.
But it's nice when you don't feel a reason to keep searching anymore. If you've found your calling in life you know what I mean. If you're still searching or if you know it but aren't doing it yet then that can be stressful. But once you've found it and that 'aha moment' comes you can rest a little.
I've been doing this for four years already and I've always liked it, now I have a sense of excitement and thanks.
A friend of mine has a son with MS and she said sometimes as hard as it is she has to still stop and thank God for trusting her to be able to handle it. My thanks is not only that but also thanks for providing me the strength to handle it and giving me the time to be home to devote myself to it.
This one has been huge for both Sam and me. I pray a lot over how to parent Nathan and Peyton because truthfully I really don't know what I'm doing.
That doesn't mean I'm not confident as a parent, but I'm not an expert in child rearing. I just pray a lot and try to bring glory to God in what I do, and try (emphasis on try) to admit when I've made a mistake.
But one prayer that's been consistent for me is that I want to learn Nathan and Peyton's personalities.
I've learned that in a huge way through this situation. I've gained such a sense of pride watching Nathan battle this disease. It's been amazing. I watch him walking through the hospital and I realize that he's a pretty friendly and polite little guy. I wish I could take all the credit for that but some of that is just him. He speaks to everyone and he has a confidence about himself that I love.
I can sit back in the chair when the doctors come in because he'll hop up on the table and open his mouth, lift up his little arms etc. He follows directions really well. And honestly I have no issues with him wearing his mask in the hospital.
Peyton has adjusted to her new situation as well. She can't wait to go to her Grandparents to stay and she adjusted to that immediately in the beginning. She makes sure Nathan takes all of his medicines. She checks up on him, she's become a regular 'little mommy' around here.
This year through off the entire family but both children handled it with ease and I'm thankful for that.
I think Sam and I are stronger as a couple. This situation can easily kill a marriage and though it's been hard I honestly think it made us better as husband and wife. I think we laugh more, our gaols for our family are completely in line with each other. Our goals have changed from what they were last year but they totally lined up.
Sam has been my strength in this. I'm so glad God called him to lead our home and he's been a great leader.
Cancer affects mothers and fathers differently. In addition to dealing with the cancer Sam still has to provide for his family etc and he's done a great job at it. I also admired him but that's through the roof now.
I learned about suffering and this one is important. John MacArthur said this:
" Suffering produces good. Why? We learn how to deal with pain and therefore we learn how to help others deal with it. We learn compassion. We learn patience. We learn gentleness. We learn trust. We experience grace from God and mercy and sustenance."
This is most important. I LOVE talking to God. I actually love to pray. I love the fact that at anytime I can talk to him and that he HEARS me.
Suffering has reminded me that one day all of this will be over and we'll spend eternity with him, we just have to get through the mess down here first. No matter what suffering is temporary. No matter how long it last, it's still temporary.
I don't know if I would've realized just how much I need to pray if this hadn't happened. Just how much God wants us to depend on Him.
I want to get specific in this section but truthfully I'm terrified I'll forget someone and I just don't want to risk doing that.
But our friends and family came out for us in a major way. I know some people who don't like church because of the 'people.' I LOVE my church family SO much. For those of you who don't belong to a church home you're truly missing out BUT you don't have too :-) If you live in Cleveland then please visit Providence Baptist Church visit the link to get times and locations.
But our family and friends came out for us in such a huge way, we even got to know more people in the church we may not have met had it not been for this situation. Just to know that people have been praying about Nathan, the cards, the phone calls, the toys, the food, etc. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
I can't say enough about our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins and my neighbors and all of our friends from our hometown! We've had quite a bit of love and support.
I've met so many people at the hospital, the receptionist at the front desk, the people at the cafe, who have become friends and family to us.
Nathan's nurses and doctors, the secretaries, etc. Our lives are better because we know them.
I can't forget the wonderful families I've met who've also been touched by this disease, my buddy in TX who contacted me right away in the beginning and all of my friends here at Nathan's hospital I just love them to death.
I had to label this part 1 because the more I type the more I realize just how blessed we've been throughout all of this, so I have more that I'll include at another time.
God Bless