Thursday, November 11, 2010


Just a few quick updates.

Nathan has gone an entire week without throwing up!!!!! I'm very happy about that. He's been battling a viral infection, but hasn't spiked a fever and has been able to fight it at home.

His mouth sores returned :-(. I noticed him walking around sucking his mouth in a lot so I called him over to see what was going on and inside I saw new mouth sore. He's been on a preventative medication for awhile now and it had been working but he just "broke through" as his Oncologist called it so they started giving him a pretty high dose of medication to knock them back out and it seems to be working.

I just took him in to get blood counts today and found out his counts are extremely low. If he gets a fever right now it'll be a big deal. I already have a sign on the door banning literally everyone from stepping foot in the house except Grandparents and I've even laid strict guidelines for them to follow.

We're so close to the end of his treatment (in January) so I'm just trying to get him through without any serious infections.

Remember I told you that Nathan had cast on his feet so that he would learn to not walk on his tip toes? He wore them for a month and then they came off and finally he started walking flat. Well recently he started easing back up on his toes again we noticed. His Physical Therapist came today and looked at him.

The cast stretched his tendon so technically he doesn't have to walk that way anymore. Before he'd been walking on his toes for so long that his tendon had shortened and he really couldn't walk flat but now that's not the case it's just that out of habit he's going back on those toes. Truthfully we decided we really don't care about toe walking anymore right now and his PT, who is fantastic, agreed. In the grand scheme of things toe walking is an extremely small problem that we're not going to put any more time into at this point.

Speech Therapy is still going good. Nathan is doing a lot better with his pronunciation and I'm really proud of his progress. He's still working on single words. It's such a long process and I've dedicated myself to learning everything I can about Apraxia so I have a ton of resources that will help him too.

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