Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mrs. Margaret

I prayed a prayer recently and I would really like for it to be answered.

I would really love to run into Mrs. Margaret. I'd love to see her at the grocery store or somewhere.

I'll never forget the way we met. I was in the post delivery area the next morning after having Nathan by an emergency C-Section. Mrs. Margaret was one of the nurses and she came rushing in and stepped over me as I was sitting in a chair. I still had the catheter in and she tripped on the tube that was running to the bag. I stood up VERY quick because I didn't want it to get yanked out (that's not easy to do mind you after surgery). Anyway that's how we met, not a very good first impression it would seem, but within hours she was my absolute favorite nurse.

If I had to guess I'd say Mrs. Margaret was in her late 60s. I'm not sure what country she was from but she had the most beautiful soothing accent and was extremely motherly. She took such good care of Nathan, Peyton, and me. She'd make me sit down and just busy herself cleaning the children and the room. She loved her job. As an anxious new mother I remember finding her presence comforting and encouraging.

With both deliveries she told me two things that have come back to me really strong lately. First she told me the story of her adult son that she'd lost to cancer. He was a wonderful son whom she and her husband adored. She said God couldn't have given her a better son. As much as it hurt to lose him, she told me both times that she knows that "God sometimes takes the good ones to protect them" and that gives her comfort when she'd ask why him.

Secondly she told me over and over to have more children. Something that is TOTALLY counter cultural now a days. She would tell me to have as many children as God would allow. She'd only had two and she said if she had it to do over she'd have had a ton more. So she encouraged me both times I was there saying have more children and that they are a blessing from God.

She informed us that she was retiring the year Peyt was born and I had Sam rush down to the gift shop to buy her something. I remember her walking us to our car and giving us hugs as we left with Peyton. Sam and I both really really loved her.

I figured that would be the last time I saw her. Every now and then Sam and I would talk about her but it'd been awhile, but then I was busy doing something the other day and she came to mind.

Everything she said to me has come flooding back. We don't meet people by accident and I don't believe I met her by accident either. I had no idea we'd be in this situation with Nathan but I know God knew and having her as a nurse wasn't an accident.

I could probably call the hospital to see if anyone has kept in touch with her and at times I thought about doing that... But I'd rather just run into her. I know she can offer a lot of wisdom in my situation and I'd really love to hear her voice again.

But if that meeting never happens I'm still thankful that I met her when I did and that she shared her story with me never knowing the impact it'd have just three short years later.


  1. Please check out these websites as countless people of all ages have been cured of all varietes of cancer and have lived very healthy lives for years, even decades! :-)
    God bless and give you strenth!
