So a little while ago my cousin sent me a Target gift card for $25. It may have been for the entire family, however, since the envelope only had my name on it, I selfishly decided to spend it on myself. Before you judge me, let me say that usually everything in my shopping cart belongs to my children so by hording that $25 I was by no means taking anything away from them. Now the funny part was how much planning went into spending this $25 gift card. I seriously planned out every penny of it, of course Sam and I have money in the bank but usually we spend it on household stuff, very rarely do we splurge even $25 on ourselves. So for some reason the fact that this $25 was a gift and was mine was very exciting to me and I had a great time spending it. I ended up buying the movie 'Brothers' I have $4 left over from it which I have yet to spend!
*DISCLAIMER - the above information was by no means soliciting more target gift cards btw lol!!!
Now Peyton had been sleeping in her crib. To set the scene, Peyt's crib was similar to the one below in that it had the dresser attached on the side. Next to the side with the dresser was a rocking chair. Well Nathan has known for awhile how to get up onto the rocking chair and climb into Peyton's crib but Peyt has been too little.
So a week ago I was home alone with the children and in my room doing my hair as they played in Nathan's room (or so I thought). I started hearing jumping on the bed and I figured they were jumping on Nathan's bed so I yelled at them to stop but the jumping continued. When I went into the hall I saw them both in Peyton's crib.... I was baffled! Did I put her in there at some point?
So I grabbed Peyton and placed her on the floor and told her to get into her crib. She hesitated for a moment and then scurried up onto the rocking chair and balanced herself on the arm of the chair (yes it looked as scary as it sounds) and pulled herself up and over into her crib. So I immediately put a call into the hubby to let him know that Nathan gets a twin bed today and Peyt gets the toddler bed! And by bedtime that night, Nathan was in a twin bed (which happens to be my childhood daybed that's solid wood and in great shape!) And Peyt inherited the toddler bed. Both did fantastic with the transition!

We finally fenced our yard and I love it. We got the tallest fence we could and we paid extra to make sure there wouldn't be any gaps in between the wood so it's really private, I wish we would've done it a long time ago, don't get me wrong I love my neighbors to death but it's nice to have the privacy too. I have to remember though that our houses are two stories and the homes closest can still see over the top into our yard. I've been having so much fun outside with the kids that I forget I must look crazy running to anyone else who may see me lol.
So Nathan is now a pro with maneuvering his IV around the hospital but the cute part is how serious he is about it. He even shows me how to position it. He knows to unplug it and wrap the cord to take it with us when we walk and to push the nurses button when it beeps.
Anyway we were sitting in his hospital room when Nathan heard something on TV beep and mistook it for his IV and pushed the nurses call button. So there's a cancel button in case you accidentally push it, the problem is it's right next to the Emergency button.
So when I went to cancel Nathan's call I found out that if you press the emergency button they don't announce anything, they just come running. I truly never saw a group of doctors run in so fast! I was just standing there clueless and then realizing what I'd pushed I was extremely embarrassed. Although now I know that if I ever need to push that button for real, there will be an immediate response and that's comforting.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the good times in the midst of the storm. It always feels so good to laugh and you still continue to provide joy even through our tears and we thank you for that.
In Jesus Name
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