Saturday, May 22, 2010

Running From Chemo

It's sad but now I look at this poor mom and I so empathize with her. I'd heard this when it first happened, back when life was normal for us and truthfully I can't remember what I thought or if I put any thought into it at the time. Now when Sam and I watch this we can relate on so many different levels. The part where she discusses how she was being pushed into so much so fast really hit home with Sam and me because things moved so fast with Nathan as well. His first week in the hospital was full of quick decisions that had to be made and it was so hard because we'd never dealt with cancer and a ton was thrown our way in a short amount of time. My heart and prayers go out to this family. I know they're looked down upon by most but privately Sam and I have also had conversations on if we'd ever have to say "enough, no more for Nathan." Right now we're moving forward with the chemo but I do agree that the side effects are heavy. I'm so happy this little boy is cancer free now!!!! Pray for his father, it's a catch 22 if you ask me, if he doesn't get chemo the odds are possibly against him, yet even if he goes ahead with the chemo the doctors can't guarantee much of anything. Cancer sucks.

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