Sunday, February 7, 2010


So Nathan had to go to the hospital on Monday to have his blood counts checked. He's getting a shot daily at home to boost his blood counts as they tend to drop after chemo. Anyway his counts had to be checked because this shot has the possibility to boost his counts too high. See we're still new at this, when we went last week his counts hadn't changed but they wanted to check him Monday because if they wait until Thursday they may boost too high. (I know my explanation needs work, I'm new to this). If the counts are too high or out of the range of what we consider normal then side effects can occur like bone aches.

Anyway when I got there Monday I asked if they were going to take blood from Nathan's port. The nurse said they could though they'd prefer to take to from the arm or finger. The least amount of times they access the port is better because it lowers the infection risk. So I knew taking it from the arm was out so I told the nurse we'd try his finger.

I was sooooooo nervous about this. Getting blood from Nathan is next to impossible but we'd never done his finger. But guess what??!!!! He did fantastic!!!!!!!! He didn't even flinch!!! I was soo proud of him. I pray it's this easy in the future. His counts were high so the shots are stopped for now.

Tomorrow is chemo. Please pray that his blood counts are good, pray for strength for Nathan. He left Monday in a great mood, saying bye to everyone with a huge smile, it was really cute. His hair is bushy, Sam decided not to cut it yet until it starts falling out but it looks kind of cute. I really love that little guy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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